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Sort Results

Sort by option can be added to the Search results page.

On the Search results page, the results can be sorted with respect to any field of the products. You can Enable/Disable the Sort feature by toggling the Enable ‘Sort By’ option Switch. Once the Sort By option is enabled, you can add fields that can aid the Sort.

Select fields for Sort By option

Add fields to the ‘Sort By’ option by clicking on the + icon. This will display the list of available fields that were indexed by Expertrec. We have Price and Relevance under ‘Default Fields’ and others under ‘All Fields’. You can search ‘All Fields’ and choose a field you want to add by clicking on it.

Additionally, the field’s display name under the ‘Sort By’ option can also be edited in the Display name input box. The Search results can be displayed in Ascending or Descending order when a field is chosen. Choose from the dropdown menu, next to the ‘Display name’ input box, in which order the results should be displayed for a particular field. To delete a field from the list of ‘Sort By’ options, click on the Delete icon.

Once all changes are made to the ‘Sort By’ options, click on Update to save the changes.

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