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Miscellaneous Features

Expertrec Search is built with options to customize the Search functionality and design to its basic nuances. Here is a list of features to customize Expertrec Search on your store.

Voice Search

Enable/Disable voice search on your store by toggling the switch. Currently, voice search is supported on all Chromium-based browsers.

Search as you type

This feature dynamically shows results for each keystroke. You can enable/disable this feature using the switch.

Show results on the same page

Enable this option if you want to open a clicked result on the same tab where the search results are displayed.

Enable autofocus on search box

The Search Bar will be focused, i.e., ready to take input, as soon as the page loads. This will skip the additional step of clicking on the Search icon or the Search bar to Search your store.

Show suggestion search dropdown

The search suggestions are displayed as a dropdown when the user starts typing. This varies dynamically with each keystroke. You can Enable/Disable this feature by toggling this option.

Disabled Expertrec Fontawsome

If your store has a Fontawesome configured for the store, then you have the option to disable Expertrec’s Fontawesome configuration. Toggle the switch to Disable Expertrec Fontawesome.

Make search conditional

If you want to test Expertrec Search on your live store without making it publicly available, then you can do so by enabling this option. This will enable Expertrec Search on your store only when you add ‘expertrec=true’ to your query parameter.
This option will make sure the search is not visible on the standard store URL:

Alternate suggestions Dropdown

Switch on this option to show alternate designs for the Suggestions Dropdown.

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