In this article, we understand why WooCommerce Ajax Products Filter is Berocket Nulled.
WordPress Themes and Plugins are pirated copies of paid WordPress themes and plugins that are unlawfully distributed on the Internet. People who redistribute New lead items argue that because WordPress and any derivative works (such as plugins and themes) are not supported by GPL. It is licensed under, so copying and distributing it is OK. When it is true, this is most often the case.
It gives good WordPress companies a reason to lose money, but most importantly, it compromises the security and integrity of websites using these null WordPress themes and plugins. Yes, often these nulled themes and plugins cause your websites to be hacked. It provides users with a rich user interface for filtering custom features, custom taxonomy, hierarchy categories, custom post meta fields, WooCommerce products meta, and real-time products.
You can create advanced filters for your own store with drag and drop in a minute. There is no limit to the number of filters you can purchase; So that customers can filter products by unlimited more product attributes in three types of UI through nested categories, price, dimension, size, color, weight, rate, sales count, etc. Filters can also be applied to product search results.
So you can find and apply filters to your product results. The filter results are loaded by Ajax in realtime, but don’t worry about SEO woo Ajax product filter uses HTML 5 push state and hashtag fallback for older browsers. This plugin is best for many products and items or stores with multiple product features.
Avoid all configuration mishaps by using WP fastest site search plugin by Expertrec
Steps to Install Product Filter
- Install WP fastest site search plugin from WordPress plugin store.
- Go to
- Enter your WordPress website URL and click on next->
- The crawl will start in the background.
- Login to your WordPress admin panel.
- In your left panel you must be able to see Expertrec’s WordPress plugin, click on that.
- Get your site ID (or) API key from your Expertrec control panel ( here ).
- Copy-paste your site id in your WordPress control panel and click on save changes.
- Make sure you have upgraded to a paid plan before 15 days of free trial. (Price begins at 9 USD per month)
- That’s it! Your brand new WordPress search is up and running!
Having an advanced search in place always goes a long way in your site functionality. This is expecially true in the case of ecommerce sites. The site visitors usually come in with an intent to buy something specific and there must be a tool available to them that allows them to find the right product. If this gets you excited and you are looking for advanced search woocommerce 2 then look no further.
Putting this search can be done in mutlitple ways one of them is the ajax method. Simply put in the Ajax method the query term is searched throughout the target site or pages to find the right match or similar matches. It’s a great way to setup a search for your website as it a less resource intensive method to achieve great results you might be wondering now how to set this up, well thats pretty simple all you need to do is to get woocommerce ajax search plugin 3. Especially for woocommerce this method is well suited. Hence it is advissable to use ajax search woocommerce.
When it is a woocommerce site it goes without saying that the main focus is ecommerce. Hence it goes without saying that products have to be made searchable in every way possible. Even if it means making woocommerce search products by attributes 3. Sometimes there might be custom attributes invloved in those cases it is good to have woocommerce search custom attributes 3. Now you might be wondering about getting the right search for your woocommerce site. It’s often difficult to find the right search bar woocommerce extension. Now that the question about the extension is answered the other question that arises is the woocommerce product search bar 2. Finding the ideal UI for the search box for woocommerce can also be a challenging task at times.
Another task which can often give leverage to you in terms of structuring your products is adding custom fields and making them sesarchable. Setting uo the facility for woocommerce search custom fields 2 is great step in ensuring that your visitors find their desired products easily. Designing a good woocommerce custom search page is also an imprtant task that has to be looked after.
Search suggestions are really intuitive and a great way to give a good experience to your site visitor. There are a lot of reasons why you should have a search suggestion, some of the main reason is to have suggestions in result is to save the users time and increase conversion. So it’s particularly crucial that e-commerce search have good search suggestions. This goes the same with woocommerce search suggestions. Having a fast suggestion on your woocommerce site can greatly improve the appeal and functionality of your site.
Another important must-have feature in any e-commerce store is the filters option. Things just won’t work out in an e-commerce site if there isn’t one. This is a bare minimum requirement these days and not having one will make your site look disabled. This is the same with woocommerce since it a platform specialized for eCommerce. Having woocommerce product filter custom fields will further boost the filter functionality. You can also try out advanced ajax product filters for woocommerce
this should work great as well. Using a woocommerce ajax product filter without plugin is possible however it might get very complicated and frustrating. We would suggest you stick with a plugin. This way you can save time and get things done easily. Another cool feature that will be useful to you with search is to have a search that takes into account the sku. SKU is nothing but the stock keeping unit which is nothing but a unique numbering system to identify the product. Having woocommerce search by sku. There is a probability that users came across your product elsewhere found the sku tag on it and tried finding the same on your site. In such a case that is a very high intent visitor that you would not want to lose. Hence woocommerce search product by sku programmatically is a feature that you must consider having which could reap in a lot of revenue.
As said before you can have two options to have the search on your woocommerce site. Either you can find and add a woocommerce product search code or find a plugin that does it for you. However, there are chances that the you will face issues with both the methods and be left with the question of woocommerce search not working how to fix? It is important to note that there are separate woocommerce product query filter plugins available just for the plugins. And there are chances in which both the woocommerce search and filter not working could arise. All this will not happen if you were to stick with WP fastest site search which is a reliable plugin for both search and filters.
Add great search to your wordpress site at 9 USD per month
Learn more about the WooCommerce Ajax Products Filter through the video