Read google custom search API more than 100 results for more information.
Google Custom Search Engine Limitations
Most often people use the Google Custom Search Engine to obtain RSS feed. However, API has some limitations which need to be remembered by the user. Generally, API gives results that are not more than 8 from the Custom Search Engine.
Also, know that Google Custom Search API more than 100 results are difficult to obtain. The Custom Search JSON API usually returns the results in the form of JSON data format.
Further, Google Custom Search has disadvantages. One of the major disadvantages of CSE is that it displays only 10 pages (also known as pagination) in the search results.
If you wish to install the Google Custom Search, then you can install it from the Add-on Manager screen.
The CSE uses its way to pick up results from Google’s index. As such, these search results restricted to only 100 can appear too limiting. You can use an old web interface which is no more in use to get rid of this problem.
Even after you’ve assembled the result set for your search engine and tweaked the rankings, your users might still type queries that are too broad. However, if they can select refinements or categories of search results, they can narrow their searches and get to the answers quickly. Check some Google custom search examples.
Shopify’s online store search function is a fully-featured, powerful tool for buyers to search across all of a shop’s products, articles, and pages. Sometimes, however, your clients may want to optimize their search so that buyers are seeing specific types of results. Check out Shopify custom search
For more information, check out this link:

More than 100 results using expertrec custom search
Adding a custom search bar to your website helps users finding content quickly, increasing conversion rates, and also finding out searches that are in demand for your site visitors. It also has its own SEO advantages. Learn how to add search bar for website
Creating a search bar for any website can be done in simple HTML. Such methods usually only add a search box to your website, but this will not create any usable search box. Check out how to create a stylish search box in HTML.
Google custom search is a service you can use to search within your website. Many times this service does not work as expected. Learn how to resolve Google custom search no results.
Here are steps to create your own custom search that has no search limits.
- Go to expertrec custom search engine
- Enter your website URL.
- Enter your website sitemap URL (this ensures all your webpages are crawled correctly).
- Wait for the crawl to complete.
- Code to the code section and add it to your website.
- Take live.
Google Custom Search engine on a website had stopped showing all results or was severely limiting the results. The search had worked for several years then suddenly it was either returning no results or very few irrelevant results. Is Google custom search going away?
The search function in WordPress works well if visitors have an idea of the content you provide. However, it lacks that special something when people are looking for relevant content to a word or phrase. Luckily, you don’t have to stick with the default search field that comes with WordPress. You can replace Wordpress search with Google.
ExpertRec comes with more customization options that you can explore. You can get the Google search plugin for Wordpress websites.
Read more on google custom search bar html
Looking for google custom search bar html
You can also check google search API javascript example
You don’t want to miss this article on HTML code for Google search page.