How to get the best out of your Shopify Google Ads

How to get the best out of your Shopify Google Ads

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One of the ways to improve sales on your Shopify eCommerce store is to run Shopify Google Ads. A Shopify store is not enough to guarantee that customers will flock to your page and buy what you sell. A Shopify store, at best, provides a platform for you to advertise your products and get people acquainted with what you sell. The transition between awareness and actual sales still relies heavily on what you do with your Shopify store.
It would help if you always remember that eCommerce is highly competitive and continually look for ways to increase your customer conversion rate and edge out competitors. Because, at the end of the day, not doing anything to put your brand at the forefront will make you lose customers to those that do.
One way to run effective ads for high customer conversion and sales improvement is by running Google Ads. Of course, there are other ads you can learn to run, like Facebook ads. Still, this piece is solely focused on how you can leverage Shopify Google Ads for optimum sales performance for your Shopify store because if you run your Google Ads the way you should, there is no telling what conversion rate and profit you will make.
In this article, you will learn about Shopify Google Ads, how to create one and how to leverage them for optimum performance on your Shopify store.

What is Shopify Google Ads

Foremost, Google Ads is an online platform where you pay to advertise your goods and services. Shopify Google Ads is simply using Google Ads is simply connecting Google Ads to your Shopify store to advertise your products.
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So, how will you connect your Shopify store to Google Ads?

How to connect your Shopify store to Google Ads

Before you connect your account, you want to ensure you are using the same Gmail address for your Google Ads and Shopify store.

1. Create a Google Ads account

Visit to create your Google Ads account if you don’t have one already. Make sure you are using the same account as the one on your Shopify. While setting up the Google Ads account, switch to the expert mode and provide your business information. For example, choose the country, time zone, and billing currency.
Now, you need a Google merchant account so that your product can pop up when people search for it and then be directed to your Shopify store when your product pops up on Google merchant, right?

2. Log in to Google Merchant Center with your Google Ads account.

Ensure you fill in the same business details in your Google Ads account for your merchant account. Then, select my website on the checkout option for your customers since you will be directing them to your Shopify store. Finally, accept the terms and conditions for Google Merchant and create your account.
You can skip other steps and focus on adding your website to the account.

3. Add your website to the account.

You will need to verify your address after adding it. This is the main part of the integration.

4. Install an HTML tag to your website.

An HTML tag will be generated for your website. Copy this HTML tag. Then, go to your Shopify store. Add the HTML tag to the code base of your website. That’s pretty easy to do. Just click on the online store. Then click the action button under themes. Choose the edit code option. You should see the code file of your website. Paste the HTML tag after the head tag. Turn off your store password under the preferences option and save. You will get a notification that your store is now visible.

5. Verify your website

Now, go back to your Google Merchant and verify your website.

6. Install Google Feed

Go back to your Shopify store and download Google Feed to connect your Google ad, Google Merchant, and your Shopify store.
Then you are good to go!
Now, having set up your Google Ads account, how do you get the best out of your Shopify Google Ads when you start running your ad campaigns?

How to enhance the performance of your Shopify store with Shopify Google Ads

Your Shopify Google ad campaign is an important part of your marketing strategies for your Shopify store, and it shouldn’t be done hurriedly. Instead, it would help if you planned for it carefully to get the best results.

1. Ensure your ad copies sync with your Shopify website copies

Your ad copies must reflect what is on your Shopify website. This will help your prospective customers have a clear path to becoming actual buyers of your product. Also, it helps increase your quality score. The quality score is what Google uses to measure the customer experience of your website, copies, and landing pages. And if you have copies that talk to each other, you’d have a high-quality score, increasing your chances of ranking when people search for your products.

2. Use common keywords and their synonyms in your copies.

Many times, people don’t know exactly what they are looking for. For example, they might not know the product’s name, so they search with everyday conversational terms. Now, you will shortchange yourself if you are too strict with your keywords. To get the best from your ads, use common words that people use every day and use words related to those words also. In addition, you must learn how to use synonyms in your Google ads.

3. Leverage negative keywords to get the specific target audience

Negative keywords are the words you tell Google to ban in your campaigns. This implies that your Shopify Google ads will not pop up when people search for these words. This strategy helps to ensure that only your target audience can locate your ads, thus improving your click-through rates. Most times, low click-through rates result from using general terms. So, when the search results pop up, people ignore the irrelevant ones. But you can prevent this by including the negative keywords you want Google to ban.

4. Leverage Google’s Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking for specificity in the campaign

The Enhanced Ecommerce tracking by Google shows you customer interaction on your website and how you can target them in your next campaign. So, you can get data on the low-performing products or the stats on those who abandon their carts and repurpose your ads to target them. This will give your ads a focus and increase your conversion rates.


Your efforts in your Shopify Google ads should be commensurate with your efforts in marketing your products so that you don’t have a good product that is not gaining attention for sales. Thus, prioritize the efficiency of your Shopify Google ads; that might just be the change you need to turn your business around.

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