Google Site Search Alternatives Free

Google Site Search Alternatives Free

With the recent death of Google Site Search, users have been testing other search solutions to try to determine which will be the preferred solution moving forward. For many customers, the price is a major factor so this list of Alternatives to Google Site Search is ranked based on value/ease for the dollar. Google Custom […]

Google Custom Site Search Alternatives

Google Search API vs Elasticsearch

Read this blog on google custom site search alternatives for more information. Google CSE offers different plans for different business needs as well as lots of customization tools. Being supported by ads, there is a good chance that it will end up showing the ads of even your competitors on your website. Its design limitations, ads, lack […]

Google custom search alternatives

google custom search alternatives

One of the main disadvantages of google custom search is that it shows. Here are the top google custom search alternatives. Google custom search alternatives Expertrec custom search engine– Beautiful search UI, No ads, code less implementation, great support team. Price- 9 USD per month. Duckduckgo search box– This is a free service. But the […]

Google CSE Alternative

Google CSE API

Read this blog on google CSE alternative for more information. Google CSE offers different plans for different business needs as well as lots of customization tools. Being supported by ads, there is a good chance that it will end up showing the ads or even your competitors on your website. Its design limitations, ads, lack of […]

Google Search Appliance Alternative

google search appliance

Read this blog on Google search appliance alternative for more information. With Google announcing it will end support for the Google Search Appliance in March 2019 and transitioning from on-premise to the cloud, looking for the most viable Google Search Appliance alternatives will be a strategic goal for many GSA customers in the upcoming months. […]

Ajax Search Woocommerce

woocommerce search not working

Read this blog on Ajax search Woocommerce for more information. By default, WooCommerce provides a very simple search solution, without live product search or even SKU search. Ajax Search for WooCommerce provides advanced search with live suggestions. Who doesn’t love instant, as-you-type suggestions? In 2020, customers simply expect smart product search. Baymard Institute’s latest UX […]

[WOO] | WooCommerce Ajax Filter – 2020

woocommerce ajax filter

Description Filter by the specific product your customers are looking for A powerful WooCommerce plugin: WooCommerce product filter widget, WooCommerce Ajax Filter lets you apply the filters you need to display the correct WooCommerce variations of the products you are looking for. Choose among color, label, list, and dropdown, and your WooCommerce filtering search will […]

Woocommerce Product Filter Ajax

woocommerce search not working

Read woocommerce product filter ajax for more information. Who doesn’t love instant, as-you-type suggestions? In 2020, customers simply expect smart product search. Baymard Institute’s latest UX research reveals that search autocomplete, auto-suggest, or instant search feature is now offered at 96% of major e-commerce sites. It’s a must-have feature for every online business that can’t […]

Advanced search woocommerce

woocommerce search not working

Read this blog on advanced search Woocommerce for more information. The advanced Search for WooCommerce plugin allows you to add an advanced search option for WooCommerce Products. With this option, you can search for products by product tag and category. You can apply filters for a search like Title, order by date, price category, and […]