How to find the API key [WP Fastest Site Search]

To find the API key for the WP Fastest Site Search, please navigate to the Site Search plugin and navigate to the API section. To find the API key from the Expertrec control panel, please navigate to the Search-API section(1) and to the API info(2). The Merchant  ID(3).

Install Settings

After installing the WP Fastest Site Search, you can integrate the Search Engine into the store using two different methods. Use Existing Search Box Add New Search Box Use Existing Search Box Expertrec supports the integration of the Search Engine to an existing Search Box on your store. Enable/Disable the integration using the Use Existing […]

Basic dashboard [WP]

The WP Fastest Site Search basic dashboard provides some basic operations and presents the index status along with some more information about the Search API. The document explains each operation and the information available on the dashboard. Home The plugin home contains information about the remaining days of the trial period(1),  indexing status(2), and time […]

Personalize the Shopper Experience

Personalize the Shopper Experience

E-commerce business owners have a huge list of customers. So, knowing each one of them personally or by their faces is not possible. Given the whole transaction is online, there are no face-to-face interactions between the retailer and the customers. However, if you own an E-Commerce business, you may wonder if it’s possible to know […]

Best E-Commerce Category Page Examples to Boost Conversions

Do you prefer to shop at a store where the layout is organized, and the things are clearly labeled? Or at the one where you are more likely to get lost? On eCommerce websites, category pages are a vital tool for conversion. They act as a link between your homepage and your product pages and […]

Where to Position Site Search

where to position site search

Site search positioning is an easily ignored component of a website throughout the design process, even though consumers rely on it to access specific information. The user experience is greatly impacted by search bar design because it is one of the most utilized components on a website. This article will explain the ideal site search […]

Powerful Shopify Upsell Apps to Help You Sell More – Expertrec

Today’s eCommerce business is about escalating the customers’ user experience and engaging them to buy more products. Be it your start-up business or an established enterprise, it is mandatory to engage the audience on your website. Moreover, you must be ambitious in boosting your revenue. With the advancement of technology, there are numerous software and […]

Powerful Shopify Upsell Apps to Help You Sell More – Expertrec

Today’s eCommerce business is about escalating the customers’ user experience and engaging them to buy more products. Be it your start-up business or an established enterprise, it is mandatory to engage the audience on your website. Moreover, you must be ambitious in boosting your revenue. With the advancement of technology, there are numerous software and […]

Make your Shopify Store Multi-Language with Expertrec

Each company owner continually searches for the best solutions and tactics to reach as many clients as possible due to the intense competition in the industry. Possessing a multilingual business is one of the best approaches to assist them in achieving their objective. Expertrec has now teamed up to make Shopify multi language and support […]