Read google search console failed crawl anomaly for more information.
When we talk of Google Search Console crawl anomaly error, then by this we mean that it is an error which is an unspecified anomaly error. It generally occurs when Google Bot is fetching your website URL throws 404 page or 500 internal server error.
If you wish to fix the crawl anomaly error, then you need to ensure that:-
- You make your webpage crawl by using Google and by submitting to Fetch as Google.
- Next, you have to look out for that if URL is returning 200 ok response or it mentions a no.
- In most cases, by submitting to Fetch as Google, the URL may get crawled easily. It is good for you to know that by doing a Fetch as Google check along with the headers of the webpage, if it returns what Google expects to be returned.
In case, there may be any headers returning then you may have to look at them. You need to make the Google bot crawl the webpage. This will get you rid of the Google Search Console failed crawled anomaly error for sure.
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