Expanding Search Bar Wordpress Plugin

Expanding Search Bar Wordpress Plugin

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Now it is easy to add Toggle effect to the regular WordPress search form. Also, you should think of a way through which you can make the search field appear from right to left.

Furthermore, if you want to build a search box for the menu, then you need to first add the ‘Custom Link’ icon to the menu. WordPress helps you to search the content on the website and then returns the exact results. 

WordPress search plugins                    

With the help of the default Search widget, you can add the search box form with a proper custom title on the WordPress site. The search element expands to the full screen once the input gets clicked. 

In this article, we will explore how to enable and customize an expanding search bar plugin in WordPress, ensuring that your users can easily navigate through your content.

Why an Expanding Search Bar?

An expanding search bar is more than just a visual enhancement. It provides a seamless and interactive search experience for users, making it easier for them to find relevant content on your WordPress site. With its intuitive design, an expanding search bar can elevate the overall navigation experience.

Enabling the Expanding Search Bar Plugin

Select a Suitable Plugin:

Start by choosing a WordPress plugin that offers an expanding search bar feature. A popular and reliable choice is [Plugin Name]. Install and activate it through your WordPress dashboard.

Configure the Plugin Settings:

Navigate to the plugin settings in your WordPress dashboard. Look for options related to the search bar, and ensure that the expanding functionality is enabled. You might find customization options such as animation effects, search icon design, and more.

Placement and Styling:

Determine where you want the expanding search bar to appear on your site. Typically, it’s placed in the header for easy access. Experiment with different styles and layouts to ensure they seamlessly integrate with your website’s design.

Customization Options for a Unique Touch

Color Scheme:

Match the search bar’s colour scheme with your website’s overall theme. Consistency in design creates a visually appealing and professional look.

Size and Shape:

Experiment with the size and shape of the search bar. Consider the available space on your website and choose dimensions that complement your design without overpowering other elements.

Animation Effects:

Many expanding search bar plugins offer animation effects. Choose animations that are subtle yet eye-catching to enhance the user experience without being distracting.

Tips for Writing Compelling Blog Content

Now that your expanding search bar is set up, let’s focus on enriching your blog content to engage your audience further.

1. User-Focused Topics:

Craft content that directly addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Understand their pain points and provide solutions, tips, or insights that add value to their experience.

2. In-Depth Tutorials:

Create detailed tutorials related to WordPress, search engine optimization (SEO), or any topics relevant to your niche. This not only educates your audience but also establishes your blog as a go-to resource.

3. Case Studies and Success Stories:

Share real-world examples of how businesses or individuals have benefited from implementing an expanding search bar on their WordPress sites. Case studies and success stories add credibility and inspire your readers.

4. Visual Content:

Enhance your blog posts with high-quality images, infographics, or even videos. Visual content not only breaks the monotony of text but also improves understanding and retention of information.

5. Engage with Your Audience:

Encourage discussions in the comments section by asking questions or seeking feedback. Engaging with your audience fosters a sense of community around your blog.

Expanding Search Bar WordPress plugin

This will help you to change the shape of your search box along with its color. There is also the Collapse Expand that will allow you to manage the content which is shown to the user.

WordPress Plugins                                

View on this video to know more: 

YouTube video

Instead of installing different plugins, you can rely on WP fastest site search plugin from Expertrec

  1. Login to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. In your left panel click on plugins->add new plugin and  search for wp fastest site search . Install the plugin and activate it .
    wordpress search not working
  3. After activating the plugin you willbe navigated to signup page. It is a two step process. In the step1 you need to enter site url(by default it get filled automatically) and need to select indexing option(if woocommerce is not active).Then click the continue button for step2.
    wordpress search form
  4. In the step2 you will have 2 options . Either signup through google or you can signup through otp. Choose an option and complete signup.Wordpress search not working
  5. Make sure you have upgraded to a paid plan before 15 days of free trial. (Price begins at 9 USD per month)
  6. For a detailed explaination regarding our plugin integration, features and how it will help in your search you can refer this blog  Wordpress fastest site search
  7. That’s it! Your brand new WordPress search is up and running! Here are snapshots of the search form and the search results pages.
  8. Snapshot of your WordPress search autocomplete.wordpress search not working
  9. Snapshot of your WordPress search results page.wordpress search not working
  10. Snapshot of your WordPress search spelling error tolerance feature.wordpress search not working
  11. If the plugin method didn’t work, you can add the code from https://cse.expertrec.com/csedashboard/home/code and add it to your wordpress PHP code. Please note that you have to add separately the code <ci-search></ci-search> to a place where you want the search box to appear ( Tip!- Contact our support team to get this done). There might be a one time fee for integration.
    (function() {
    var id = 'your_api_key';
    var ci_search = document.createElement('script');
    ci_search.type = 'text/javascript';
    ci_search.async = true;
    ci_search.src = 'https://cse.expertrec.com/api/js/ci_common.js?id=' + id;
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    s.parentNode.insertBefore(ci_search, s);

    wordpress search not working


In conclusion, enabling and customizing an expanding search bar in WordPress is a valuable step towards improving user experience on your website. Coupled with compelling and informative content, your blog can become a go-to resource for users seeking relevant information.

Remember to stay updated with the latest trends, continuously analyze user behaviour, and adapt your website and content accordingly. By prioritizing user experience and consistently providing valuable content, your WordPress blog can thrive in the competitive online landscape.

Add great search to your wordpress site at 9 USD per month


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