Weebly search box not working how to fix ?

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Weebly Site Search is one of the valuable component for every website and website visitors. Site Search comes with weebly pro plan and above. You pay $ 12 monthly. Its really annoying to see a service that you pay for is not working. Site search helps visitors find content and products on weebly websites.

Solution for weebly search not working

Reason for weebly not working could be, crawling might not have started or enabled.

You may enable crawling by visiting the dashboard or you can contact weebly support over email

What Weebly search offers ?

The results are immediately displayed on a search results page that distinguishes between regular pages, blog pages, and blog comments. The layout of the results page cannot be directly edited, but it uses your global font settings (found under Design > Design Options) to determine how the text should look.

Looking for better alternative to weebly search box? ExpertRec.com

Lesser price

ExpertRec.com is a better alternative to weebly search box, at a lesser price
of $9 monthly (Starting Price) when compared to weebly Pro plan of 12 $ (Starting Price)

PDF, Word, Excel

Expertrec’s search engine index PDF, word, excel and more file formats so that your site users can search for content within these files.

Fast search results

Expertrec’s search results load within milliseconds, giving your site users a quick and smooth search experience.

No Ads, Never

We don’t show ads in our search engine results – as simple as that. We guarantee no ads search experience.

Quick and easy setup

5 minute setup to take live search on your website. Customize your search and add the code to get your search live.

Crawling pages behind login

Index content behind login pages with expertrec’s crawlers so that your search engine can display them when users search.

Multi device friendly

Expertrec’s search UI works on all devices (mobile, desktop and tablets) and operating systems.

Voice search

Add voice search to your site so that users can find content without typing.


Expertrec search integrates across all major CMS platforms. WordPress / Joomla / Drupal etc. Supports multiple service providers.

30+ languages

Having a multi-language site. Using expertrec, your site users can search in multiple languages. Expertrec supports more than 30 languages.

UI Customization

You can completely customize your search box look and as well as search result page should appear on your weebly website.

Crawling Customization, Speed

You can set how frequent crawling should happen. enable or disable crawling subdomain pages.

What are you waiting for ?

Add ExpertRec Site Search to weebly website


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