Google custom search for website code addition process

google custom search image size

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Google custom search image size

Most users of Google, use Google Images to search for pictures of a particular size. If you are also one of those people who use Google Images regularly, then you must have noticed a change. Yes, you are right, Google previously provided an option of ‘search by size’ to help you find images. 

Google Custom SearchMoreover, if we talk about Yahoo Images, you can use the search custom size pictures to find images.

However, the custom search API uses a different set of parameters. If you rely upon Google Custom Search, then you should know whether your CSE makes use of both image search and web. 

google custome search homeThe way of presenting thumbnail images in the search results is also quite useful. A Google Custom Search image size snippet shows a thumbnail image and two actions. You can also control the whole image size.




Tip: When you want to create a promotion, then you can also include a thumbnail image to make your promoted link stand out from the rest.

Check out this video to know more: 

YouTube video

You can also create your own custom search engine using Expertrec which is a great alternative when your google custom search API .

Here are steps to create your own custom search that has no search limits.

  1. Go to expertrec custom search engine.
  2. Enter your website URL.
  3. Enter your website sitemap URL (this ensures all your webpages are crawled correctly).
  4.  Wait for the crawl to complete.
  5. Code to the code section and add it to your website.
  6. Take live.

Add a search engine to your website at 9 USD per month



google custom search image sizeSearches related to google custom search image size

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