Vivaldi search engine

vivaldi google voice search

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Vivaldi is a new browser with very good customization and control. With the help of it, you can add as well as manage the custom search engines. Apart from this, you can also customize the use of the search engine nicknames.


But, lately, people have a problem accessing the Vivaldi Google Voice Search. Most have made a complaint that when they click on the mic icon, it shows ‘No Internet Connection’. 

According to many predictions that have been made 50% of the searches will take place through voice searches by 2020. This is why many users and companies are attaching much value to the voice search option.

Image result for Vivaldi Search banner                          

Don’t miss out this article on how to add voice search.

Most users do actions like search directions, create reminders with the help of their voice. Also, if you want to confirm that there is rain in the weather forecast, then you have to say OK Google. Many people have also found with time that it has become easier for them to search for their favourite website by using Vivaldi. 

For more information, click on this link:

YouTube video

vivaldi google voice search

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