google custom search disadvantages

Disadvantages of using google custom search

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Google custom search is a nice product that lets you add search functionalities.

Disadvantages of google custom search

  1. No control over what is indexed or when– Google decides which of your pages are crawled and when. You cannot force google’s crawlers to crawl your site on demand. Whereas with a search service like expertrec, you can crawl in real-time as soon as you publish new pages. Disadvantages of using google custom search
  2. No control of search results –There are certain search queries where Google might not give you the expected search results that you expect and there is nothing you can do about it if you want one search result to come on the top. With expertrec, it is as simple as dragging and dropping one search result above the other using our control panel.
  3. No support– You are very much on your own while implementing google custom search. You cant expect a google support engineer to help you customize your search engine or to take it live. There are pretty good documentation resources to help you implement google custom search. The same is not true for google adwords where there are support team to help you out in setting out your ad custom search disadvantages
  4. Minimal UI customization options-The google custom search control panel offers very limited UI customization options compared to other search providers like expertrec. This means you are stuck with a boring search engine custom search disadvantages
  5. Can be shut down or changed any time- Be ito orkut, google site search, Google is known for shutting down projects that don’t bring them money ruthlessly. This means you are scrambling for alternatives and this can be a painful search for some people. google custom search disadvantages

Unhappy with google custom search, move to a better search – expertrec-

google custom search disadvantages

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