wordpress search form change placeholder

Wordpress Search Form Change Placeholder

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When it comes to optimizing user experience on your WordPress website, every detail counts. Customizing the placeholder text in your search forms is a subtle yet effective way to enhance user interaction and guide them seamlessly through your site. In this guide, we’ll delve deeper into the importance of placeholder text, its impact on user experience, and how you can effortlessly customize it to align with your brand identity.

Understanding the Significance of Placeholder Text:

Placeholder text serves as a temporary hint or prompt within a form field, providing users with guidance on the type of input expected. In the context of a WordPress search form, the placeholder text is the text that appears inside the search input box before users start typing. This seemingly simple element plays a crucial role in user engagement and can significantly impact how users interact with your website.

Enhancing User Guidance:

The default placeholder text in WordPress is often a generic “Search” or “Type and hit enter.” While functional, these default messages lack the personalized touch that can make a user feel more connected to your website. By customizing the placeholder text, you can provide more specific instructions or incorporate your brand’s tone, creating a more engaging and user-friendly experience.

WordPress Search Form

By default, if you are going to change the text of your search form in WordPress, we would recommend using a search plugin such as WP fastest site search. However, if you want more control or rather use code you can hook into the theme’s various filters to alter the search form placeholder in various parts of the theme.
wordpress search form change placeholder


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Steps to Customize Placeholder Text in WordPress Search Form:

Theme Customization:

Most WordPress themes allow you to customize various elements, including the search form. Navigate to the theme customization section in your WordPress dashboard and look for options related to the search bar. Depending on your theme, you may find settings specifically for placeholder text customization.

Using Custom Code:

For more advanced customization options, you can use custom code snippets. Open your theme’s functions.php file and add the following code:
Copy code
function custom_search_placeholder($text) {

return “Your Custom Placeholder Text”;


add_filter(‘get_search_form’, ‘custom_search_placeholder’);

Replace “Your Custom Placeholder Text” with the desired text you want to display as the placeholder.


If you prefer a user-friendly solution without delving into code, consider using WordPress plugins. There are numerous plugins available that specifically cater to search form customization. Install a reputable plugin, navigate to its settings, and customize the placeholder text according to your preferences.

Modify Placeholder attribute CODE

Modify the placeholder attribute in the following code inside the functions.php in your WordPress theme. The placeholder can be changed to any string and the search button can also be changed to anything.

function html5_search_form( $form ) { 
     $form = '<section class="search"><form role="search" method="get" id="search-form" action="' . home_url( '/' ) . '" >
    <label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">' . __('',  'domain') . '</label>
     <input type="search" value="' . get_search_query() . '" name="s" id="s" placeholder="Search website" />
     <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="'. esc_attr__('Go', 'domain') .'" />
     return $form;

 add_filter( 'get_search_form', 'html5_search_form' );

Best Practices for Customizing Placeholder Text:

Clarity and Conciseness:

Keep your placeholder text clear and concise. Users should immediately understand the purpose of the search bar and what type of input is expected.

Branding Consistency:

Infuse your brand personality into the placeholder text. If your brand has a specific tone or language style, ensure that it’s reflected in the search form to maintain consistency across your website.

Relevance to Content:

Customize the placeholder text to align with the content and offerings of your website. This not only helps users but also reinforces the relevance of your content.

Monitoring User Engagement:

After implementing the custom placeholder text, monitor user engagement using tools like Google Analytics. Analyze how users interact with the search bar, whether there’s an increase in searches, and if users are finding the content they seek. This data will help you fine-tune your approach and further optimize the user experience.

Customizing placeholder text in your WordPress search form is a small yet impactful step towards enhancing user experience. By providing clear guidance, aligning with your brand, and adopting best practices, you can create a more engaging and user-friendly environment on your website. Experiment with different approaches, gather user feedback, and continually refine your search form to ensure it remains an effective and intuitive tool for your audience.

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