Woocommerce Product Search Plugin

Woocommerce Product Search Plugin

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ExpertRec’s Woocommerce Product Search Plugin makes the WooCommerce product search more flexible and efficient, providing the customer with additional search results even if the keyword was entered with a spelling error. One of the most important parts of an online store is its search functionality.

Implementing an advanced search solution can have a positive impact on the user experience, which leads to a significant increase in conversion rate. After all, visitors trust in search results. If your store’s search experience is good, users will use it more than browsing by clicking through categories. Studies have shown that users generally take it that a product is unavailable if it does not come up in the search. 

woocommerce product search plugin

Add a search to Woocommerce store

WP fastest site search

With the help of this Woocommerce product search plugin, the product search results within your store will be as relevant as possible for your potential customers. It is easy to set up and is highly customizable.

  1. Install WP fastest site search plugin from WordPress plugin store.Woocommerce Product Search Plugin
  2. Go to https://cse.expertrec.com/newuser?platform=wordpress.
  3. Enter your WordPress website URL and click on next->Woocommerce Product Search Plugin setup
  4. The crawl will start in the background.
  5. Login to your WordPress admin panel.
  6. In your left panel you must be able to see ExpertRec’s WordPress plugin, click on that. WordPress Search Engine
  7. Get your site ID (or) API key from your ExpertRec control panel ( here ).
  8. Copy-paste your site id in your WordPress control panel and click on save changes.
  9. Make sure you have upgraded to a paid plan before 15 days of the free trial. (Price begins at 9 USD per month)
  10. That’s it! Your brand new WordPress search box is up and running!

Non-plugin method

Here we will visit the steps required to add the ExpertRec WordPress search box to your website. This is one of the easiest setup processes of all the available options out there and is highly recommended.

  1. Navigate to https://cse.expertrec.com/newuser?platform=cse and signup with your Google ID.
  2. Enter your website’s URL when prompted. You can select a server location near you and add the URL of your sitemap if you wish to. These will be auto-detected otherwise.
  3. You can play around with the settings and customize the UI as the crawl runs. Once it is complete, you can check out a fully functional demo before taking the search to your website.
  4. You can take the search to your website with little to no effort. All you need to do is to paste the code snippet available on the dashboard on your website.

ExpertRec comes with more customization options that you can explore. You can read this article to find a more detailed guide on the installation and configuration.

Add a search to Woocommerce store

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