The Most Sold Product in the World

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A Look at the Global Dominance of Smartphones It’s hard to imagine life without smartphones. They are now the most widely sold product in the world since they have become such an essential part of our life. In this article, we will take a closer look at the global dominance of smartphones, their history, why they have become so popular, and their impact on society. 

A Brief History of Smartphones 

The first smartphone was introduced by IBM in 1993, called the Simon Personal Communicator. But, cell phones didn’t gain popularity until Apple released the iPhone in 2007. Since then, smartphones have evolved rapidly with each new generation bringing more features and capabilities. 

Smartphones are now a necessary tool for billions of people worldwide. They provide a variety of services like social media, gaming, photography, streaming video, and internet access. They have also become a crucial tool for businesses, with many companies now relying on mobile apps and mobile-friendly websites to connect with customers. 

The Global Dominance of Smartphones 

Smartphones have become the most sold product in the world, with over 1.4 billion sold in 2020 alone. Nearly everyone owns one. In 2021, there will likely be 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide or around half of the world’s population.

According to a Statista estimate. Several reasons contribute to cell phones’ popularity. They first provide convenience and connectivity. With a smartphone, you can stay connected to the internet and your social networks at all times, making it easy to stay in touch with friends and family, as well as to keep up with the latest news and trends. 

Secondly, smartphones are versatile and multi-functional. They can be used for everything from entertainment and gaming to productivity and work. Smartphones offer a wide range of features, including high-quality cameras, video recording, music streaming, and GPS navigation, among others. 

Lastly, smartphones are relatively affordable and accessible. With the rise of low-cost smartphones from brands like Xiaomi and Realme, more people than ever can afford to own a smartphone. Additionally, many countries offer subsidies and payment plans to help make smartphones more affordable. 

The Impact of Smartphones on Society 

Smartphones have had a significant impact on society, both positive and negative. On the positive side, smartphones have revolutionised communication, making it easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family. They have also made it easier to access information, entertainment, and education. 

Smartphones have also transformed the way we do business, with many companies now relying on mobile apps and mobile-friendly websites to connect with customers. Additionally, smartphones have created new industries and jobs, such as app development, mobile advertising, and mobile gaming. 

Smartphones have, however, also had certain drawbacks. The effect they have on mental health is one of the most important. Excessive smartphone use has been linked to sadness, anxiety, and other mental health problems, according to studies. Additionally, smartphones have been blamed for the rise in distracted driving and other safety issues. 


Smartphones have become the most sold product in the world, with over 1.4 billion sold in 2020 alone. They offer convenience, connectivity, versatility, and affordability, making them an essential tool for billions of people around the world. While smartphones have had a significant impact on society, both positive and negative, it’s clear that they are here to stay. With each new generation bringing more features and capabilities, it will be interesting to see how smartphones continue to evolve and shape our world.


What are smartphones?

Smartphones are mobile devices that combine the functions of a computer, camera, music player, and communication device. They typically have a touch screen, internet connectivity, and access to a wide range of apps and services.

Why are smartphones so popular?

Smartphones are popular because they offer convenience, connectivity, versatility, and affordability. They can be used for a wide range of activities, such as communication, entertainment, education, and business.

What are the benefits of owning a smartphone?

Some benefits of owning a smartphone include:

  • Increased connectivity with friends, family, and colleagues
  • Access to a wide range of information and services
  • Improved productivity and organisation
  • Entertainment and leisure activities on-the-go
  • Enhanced safety and emergency response capabilities
What are the drawbacks of owning a smartphone?

Some drawbacks of owning a smartphone include:

  • Distraction and addiction to technology
  • Risk of cyberbullying, identity theft, and other online threats
  • Physical and mental health concerns related to excessive screen time and sedentary behaviour
  • High cost and environmental impact

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