If your website has a search engine and there might be some search queries that might not show search results (or) show no results found in search. Here are some simple steps to fix this.
Here are the top reasons for no results in search engines and how to fix them-
- As a first step, check the search queries having no results using your analytics tool. Open your site search query analytics page and see which queries are resulting in no results. If you don’t have a site search query tracking system, you can opt for ExpertRec’s site search analytics where you can get your top search queries with no results.
- Spelling errors– Most search engines don’t have a search spell correct feature, also known as fuzzy search. You can sign up for ExpertRec’s search feature to implement the autocomplete feature.
- Lack of products (or) articles (or) documents matching your search query- You could show a no results page for such queries or show related search queries or products.
- Your search engine is down!- Sometimes your search service might be down and you might not know it. Use an uptime robot to monitor your search downtime. Also, ExpertRec’s search service offers a 99.99% uptime SLA. So you need not worry about your search service going down.
- Language- Customers might be searching in other languages and hence might not be getting search results. Use ExpertRec’s search to implement a multi-language search engine.
- Synonyms-Some users might be searching for “TT racquet” whereas your site might not have any products for TT (but your site might have Table tennis racquets ( here you might have to add table tennis as a synonym for TT). Expertrec has a default dashboard for adding synonyms.
Add ExpertRec custom search engine @ 9 USD per month
- NLP queries– Most search engines might not be able to search for queries such as “tshits less than 1000” due to their lack of Natural language capabilities. With ExpertRec’ search, NLP is enabled by default.
- Special operator queries- A portion of the site visitors, might search using special characters like & OR etc.. Due to this sometimes search results might not get displayed.
How to Improve Your Website Performance
When users visit your website, and it takes more than 5 seconds to load a page, you are about to chase them away. As a frequent visitor to the website, it can be frustrating to experience loading issues, especially when you stare at your phone screen for 10 to 20 seconds without achieving the purpose of your visit.
However, the above experience will result in two negative scenarios. Firstly, the customers will leave the website before the page finishes loading. Secondly, they might wait for the page to load but view your website from a displeased viewpoint, and thirdly, your returning customer might start looking for a replacement if they encounter the same issue more than twice.
Now all two scenarios are awful for business. So, let’s see how you can prevent this lousy scenario by improving your website performance. Here are four practical ways to go about it.
- Extensions & Plugins: Use only absolutely needed extensions. Too many extensions mean more background running software, which requires more resources and will weigh down your website. You should run a speed test to locate the plugins weighing your site down the most and delete them. If you must use them, delete them immediately after installation.
- Change your Hosting Company: Your hosting company might also cause you some trouble. Check for better fast web hosting companies that will ensure outstanding optimized performance for your website.
- Database Optimization: We all know how lack of storage space reduces the efficiency of our mobile phones and laptops; the same will happen to your website if your database is overloaded. Optimizing your database is a great way to improve your website performance. Use CMS with database -optimized plugins, and avoid those with too many. They end up increasing the size of your database, which in turn, makes it slower.
- Image Optimization: I know you want a flashy captivating web page with flattering images. But again, let’s consider the size. As fast as your page speed can be when displaying your landing page, opening up heavy image files can drag the page speed down. Optimize image upload by compressing the sizes of your images without affecting the quality. You can achieve these using image compressing tools like ImageOptim or Kraken.