Google Custom Search vs Solr

Google Custom Search vs Solr

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What is better Apache Solr or Google Custom Search? A good way to find the right Site Search Solutions product for your firm is to compare the solutions against each other. Here you can compare Apache Solr and Google Custom Search and see their functions compared in detail to help you pick which one is the better product.

Google Custom Search vs Solr


  • Uses google for search, and will only work if Google has already indexed your site.
  • You embed the google CSE in your Drupal site, and the results look “like Google”.
  • Google does not natively know anything about your publication date, node types, taxonomy, nor access restrictions.
  • Can provide “filters” for content (similar to facets), if you provide an XML file for your site that contains them. Google can show at most 5(?) filters on any search.
  • Filters are NOT facets in that you can only pick ONE filter after a keyword search.

Apache Solr

  • You can decide what gets indexed or not.
  • You can theme the results to look exactly how you want.
  • Knows about your dates, taxonomy terms, attachments, and access restrictions so the user searching will get to use those as facets, and security is enforced for things you don’t want to appear in search results.
  • The admin selects which and how many facets are shown to filter results.
  • The user can pick any combination of facets and even drill down on hierarchical taxonomy.


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