google custom search engine

google custom search cx

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Read google custom search cx for more information.

Google Custom Search is a commendable tool for creating a search engine for your website. You can even configure your search engine to look for both images as well as web pages.

                                   Google Search Engine         

Create a custom search

In order to create a custom search, it is necessary that you first create a Google Custom Search in the Google web API. 100 search queries are provided by the engine each day. This is mainly to obtain the API key from the search engine and also to make queries in the Google Cloud Console.

          google custom search engine              

Important points

Moreover, to make a search, you need to keep 3 points in mind:

  • Search engine id cx or Google Custom Search cx
  • Anything to search (q)
  • Public API access from the console (key)

Once all this is decided, then Google Custom Search API will search the web via HTTP requests. Remember that once a request is made it will become possible to obtain the information in a JSON format.

Add a search engine to your website at 9 USD per month

Click on this link for more information: 

YouTube video

You can also create your own custom search engine using Expertrec which is a great alternative

Here are steps to create your own custom search that has no search limits.

  1. Go to expertrec custom search engine.
  2. Enter your website URL.
  3. Enter your website sitemap URL (this ensures all your webpages are crawled correctly).
  4.  Wait for the crawl to complete.
  5. Code to the code section and add it to your website.
  6. Take live.

YouTube video

google custom search cx

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