Magento 2 there is no such adapter elasticsearch

Magento 2 there is no such adapter elasticsearch

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Read Magento 2 there is no such adapter elastic search for more information.

Magento 2.1.10 contains almost 40 security fixes and functional enhancements so it will bring a lot of benefits for your online store owner to upgrade to this latest version. But along with this, you may run into errors.

Magento 2 there is no such adapter elasticsearch

How to fix the there is no such adapter error

# run this query
UPDATE core_config_data set value = 'mysql' where path='catalog/search/engine';
# and run these commands
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento cache:flush
php -f bin/magento indexer:reindex


magento 2 there is no such adapter elasticsearch

Magento 2.3.1 adds support for Elasticsearch 6.x and it is enabled by default. Magento still provides connectivity for Elasticsearch 2.x and 5.x but these must be enabled in order to use these versions. Elasticsearch 2.x is still supported but strongly discouraged. If you must run Elasticsearch 2.x or 5.x with Magento 2.3.1, you must change the Elasticsearch PHP client. 

Add a search to your Magento store without any coding

Change the Elasticsearch Client

If you need to work with Elasticsearch 5.x, run the following command:

composer require "elasticsearch/elasticsearch:~5.1"

If you need to work with Elasticsearch 2.x, run the following command:

composer require "elasticsearch/elasticsearch:~2.0"

To re-enable Elasticsearch 6.x, run the following command:

composer require "elasticsearch/elasticsearch:~6.1"

Then configure Elasticsearch within Magento Admin.

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