How to disable/remove google branding in google custom search CSE

Disable Google Branding in Gogle custom search CSE

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Does the Google custom search branding on your website bother you? Don’t worry there is an easy way to remove Google branding from your Google custom search engine.

As you can see in the below image, there is google branding in the search box.

Google branding in the search box.

disable/remove google branding in google custom search CSE

How to remove Google branding from Google custom search engine –

  1. Go to
  2. Choose your custom search engine.
  3. Go to look and feel-> customize tab-> Google branding-> Disable Google branding.How to disable/remove google branding in google custom search CSE
  4. Click on save and get code.
  5. Replace your existing Google custom search code with this.How to disable/remove google branding in google custom search CSE
  6. Now check on your website, your google custom search google branding has been removed.How to disable/remove google branding in google custom search CSE

No ADs No Branding – Add a search bar at 9 USD per month

If you want to deliver an ad-free search experience you can shift to expertrec’s custom search engine for as low as 9 USD per month.

Create a custom search engine with no ads with expertrec


google custom search disable branding

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